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Tips for getting your research paper accepted in an impact factor journal

Researchers always wish to get their research paper published in an impact factor journal. No doubt that having publications in impact factor journals is a great achievement for the researchers. But impact factor journals require a very high profile research work. Some suggestions are given here which will help the research scholars.
  • There must be some novelty in the research.
  • Manuscript must be written in standard English.
  • Use of passive voice should be avoided.
  • Write in interesting manner and tell the reader what will be learned from the manuscript.
  • Be direct and specific and define all terms used in manuscript.
  • Avoid ambiguous terms, buzzwords, jargon, acronyms, and stringing nouns together.
  • Do not make exaggerated claims.
  • Tell the readers what was learned. 
  • Read your paper several times.
  • Tell some one else (your colleague or professional) to read your paper and give suggestions for improvement.

Very important tip: Whenever  you select  an appropriate journal for you manuscript, then don't forget to use citations in you manuscript from that journal. Citations of those articles should be made which were published in that journal in the previous two years. In this way, if your manuscript was published then the impact factor of that journal would also be increased. Editors will definitely consider your manuscript if it contains citations from their journals.

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