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Showing posts from May 29, 2016

AdvisEU STUDIO Project srl

AdvisEU SP is the Spin-off of UniMC where Academic and Business Members share multiple and qualified professional skills. DIFFERENT WAY FOR DIFFERENT THINGS AdvisEU SP offers specific m onitoring arrangements of projects   and programmes for direct   and indirect European funds.  ​ AdvisEU SP assists public and private  companies   and research institutes   finding and taking advantage   of big opportunities with the EU programs. CULTIVATE INNOVATIVE IDEAS AdvisEU SP helps in developing innovative project ideas in several areas like as health, environment and civil engineering for EU programs.  ​ ​ AdvisEU SP manifests highly qualified and experienced people   to provide a variety of   training programs to the professionals   from various sectors to develop abilities and capacities   on conducting all stages of EU projects. TAKE YOUR FIRST CHOICE AdvisEU SP presents multiple professional skills of academic and business people which ensure a diversified portfolio of c