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Showing posts from October 24, 2010

Domesticating Global Management - a commentary

This essay puts forward an idea that to be good in this era of globalization, there should be integration between foreign policy leaders and domestic policy leaders. In this way local leaders make some inputs to foreign policy leaders in making successful foreign policy (Paarlberg, 2004). If we talk in multinational management perspective then it is very important for the local managers to think globally (May, 1997). Managers must analyze their industry and identify the specific drivers that affect their operation and development and identify the number of global strategy levers: global market participation; products (global products, or local products); location of the value chain; marketing strategy (Lloyd, 1996). In global businesses there's often a question about what you can plan for on a worldwide basis and what needs to be managed on a local basis (Simpson, 1995). Most businesses have a variety of different cultures because there are different people working within the compa

Global Financial Market Linkages

International Economic Integration International economic integration refers to the extent and strength of real- sector and financial-sector linkages among national economies. Real-sector linkages occur through the international transactions in goods and services while the financial-sector linkages occur through international transactions in financial assets. Sources for Integration —   To seek new markets. —   To seek new supplies of raw materials. —   To gain new technologies. —   To gain production efficiencies. —   To avoid political and regulatory obstacles. —   To reduce risk by diversification. Henry Lowenfeld, 1909 “It is significant to see how entirely all the rest of the Geographically Distributed stocks differ in their price movements from the British stock.   It is this individuality of movement on the part of each security, included in a well-distributed Investment List, which ensures the first great essential of successful investment, namely, Capital Stability.”         

Global Management by Stress - a Commentary

Management by stress is good but it should be dealt very prudently. More and more companies have come to realize that many organizational problems occurred largely as a result of individuals' inappropriate responses to stress (Niven & Johnson, 1989). Globalization has changed the organizational management but this organizational change management should be within the framework of communication, control and counseling (Taylor and Cooper, 1988) .Three approaches can be used in stress management (Callender, 1989). These are: team building, management action groups and one to one development counseling. Managers when making decisions regarding the planning and implementation of organizational change, the stress factor must receive a prominent place on the change management agenda (McHugh, 1997). If organization development is to achieve the objective of improving organizational effectiveness, it is essential that companies adopt a proactive and preventive approach to stress managem