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Showing posts from 2011

International Conference on Emerging trends in Management – ICETM 2012

Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Islamabad, Pakistan is holding International Conference on Emerging trends in Management – ICETM 2012 on May 18-19 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The conference aims to provide a forum for exchange of ideas on the latest business developments in the field of Management among researchers and practitioners in universities and industries and to seek opportunities for collaboration among the participants. The conference features key note speeches, engaging workshops and panel discussions. For details, visit conference website at 2012   The organizing committee ICETM 2012 invites papers on (but not limited to) the following:   ·Marketing   ·HRM Practices   ·Performance Evaluation   ·Training and Development   ·Leadership   ·Management   ·Information Management   ·Entrepreneurship   ·eCommerce and eBusiness   ·MIS   ·Innovation Management   ·Globalization   ·Sustainability   ·Project Management   ·Organizational Ethics   ·Financial Ma

Scholarships in Korean University

Chosun University Korea is offering scholarships for international students for 2012 Spring semester. Important dates are as follows: Application Deadline November 30, 2011 Admission Announcement December 30, 2011 Registration Deadline January 31, 2012 First day of class March 2, 2012 You need the following documents for admission: Required Documents 1. Application Form for Graduate School 2. Self Introduction 3. Study Plan 4. Letter of Recommendation   5 . Request for Academic Credentials Verification 6 . Check List for Application Documents 7 D iploma from undergraduate institution(s) 8 . Transcript from undergraduate institution(s) 9 . Di ploma(s) from graduate institution(s) - Doctorate Only 10 . Transcript from graduate institution(s) – Doctorate Only 1 1 . Official certificate of language score(TOEFL, IELTS, TEPS, TOPIK)

How To Write a (Thesis / Dissertation) Proposal

1. Know the area a. Read, read, read, … b. Average 10-15 papers per week c. Current Journals: at least read/scan abstracts d. Use reference management software! (e.g. ProCite and EndNote) e. Use search engines (MedLine, Ergo Abstracts, Psych Info, Compendex, ACM Digital Library, etc.) f. Go to the source literature (don’t expect textbooks and other secondary sources to be either accurate or complete) 2. Go outside your area a. Good source of new/different ideas b. Avoids embarrassing overlap (already done by others in another field) 3. Pay attention to methods, analyses, motivations, applications a. We did this because … b. This work can be applied to … 4. Tree-in; tree-out a. Look at paper citations, and who cited particular papers (ISI Citation Index) b. Note how others interpreted (or how cited) papers you’ve already read; they may have a different interpretation 5. Don’t get ‘paper-locked’ a. Easy to get overwhelmed and biased by what has already been done b. Once

Weekly US Scholarships Updates

I. Financial Aid UG: International Student Scholarships for Women at St. Catherine University UG: Bryant University Academic Scholarships UG: Hamline University Merit Scholarships UG/Grad/Postgrad: Monmouth University Financial Assistance Programs UG/Grad/Postgrad: Westminster College Music Scholarships II. Campus News • University of Louisiana Monroe Announces Honors Program for International Students • New Video: PTE Academic Test for English Proficiency • International Students Get a Little Country • Register Now: EdUSA Connect Live Presentations on Completing Your Application • Ithaca College Waives Application Fee for International Students • Virginia International University Visits Mongolian Embassy I. Financial Aid INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS FOR WOMEN AT ST. CATHERINE UNIVERSITY St. Catherine University is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for admission and partial scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year. Our scholarshi

US Scholarships Updates

I. Financial Aid UG: Eastern Illinois University Scholarships for New International Students UG: College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University Scholarships UG: Fresno Pacific University PresidentĆ¢€™s Scholarship UG/Grad: East Tennessee State University Academic Merit Scholarship UG/Grad: Southern Oregon University Cascade & Siskiyou International Student Scholarships UG/Grad: CollegeWeekLive $1,000 Scholarship Grad/Postgrad/Postdoc: The University of Michigan Law School Fellowships II. Campus News • Live Online: College Week Live International Day October 13th • International Students Get Job Search Tips at Seminar • University of Missouri Celebrates International Day • University of California Davis Announces Global Achievement Program I. Financial Aid EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NEW INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Eastern Illinois University is proud to announce scholarships for new international students! Undergraduate students that have


Vectors and loops are two tools drawn from computer programming that can be very useful when manipulating data. Their primary use is to perform a large number of similar computations using a relatively small program. Some of the more complicated types of data manipulation can only reasonably be done using vectors and loops. A vector is a set of variables that are linked together because they represent similar things. The purpose of the vector is to provide a single name that can be used to access any of the entire set of variables. A loop is used to tell the computer to perform a set of procedures a specified number of times. Often times we need to perform the same transformation on a large number of variables. By using a loop, we only need to define the transformation once, and can then tell the computer to do the same thing to all the variables using a loop. If you have computer-programming experience then you have likely come across these ideas before. However, what SPSS calls