Regression is a statistical tool that allows you to predict the value of one continuous variable from one or more other variables. When you perform a regression analysis, you create a regression equation that predicts the values of your DV using the values of your IVs. Each IV is associated with specific coefficients in the equation that summarizes the relationship between that IV and the DV. Once we estimate a set of coefficients in a regression equation, we can use hypothesis tests and confidence intervals to make inferences about the corresponding parameters in the population. You can also use the regression equation to predict the value of the DV given a specified set of values for your IVs. Simple Linear Regression Simple linear regression is used to predict the value of a single continuous DV (which we will call Y) from a single continuous IV (which we will call X). Regression assumes that the relationship between IV and the DV can be represented by the equation. Y i = Ī² 0 ...
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