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Showing posts from March 13, 2011

Scholarships in Xi’an Jiaotong University China

                        See more scholarships:                                                 Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program                         The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship                         Program (JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing                         from the Government of Japan.                                                 HEC Post Doctoral Fellowships                     ...
Chinese Government Scholarship-Graduate Program (2011/2012) Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is a top ten university in China with a century-old history. The University is located in Xi’an, the ancient capital city,which boasts famous tourist sites and also hosts opportunities in advanced research. Because it is well known for its rich faculty, diligent students, modern facilities,and its aesthetic campus, XJTU is a key state university that operates under the administration of the Ministry of Education of China. For details, click here.
Data structure   Populations and samples A population is the entire collection of ‘things’ in which we are interested. A sample is a subset of a population. We wish to make an inference about a population of interest based on information obtained from a sample from that population. E XAMPLES : _ You measure the profit/loss of 50 public hospitals in Victoria, randomly selected. Population: Sample: Points of interest: _ Sales on 500 products from one company for the last 5 years are analysed. Population: Sample: Points of interest: Cases and variables Think about your data in terms of cases and variables . _ A case is the unit about which you are taking measurements. E.g., a person, a business. _ A variable is a measurement taken on each case. E.g., age, score on test, grade-level, income. Types of Data The ways of organizing, displaying and analysing data depends on the type of data we are investigating. _ Categorical Data (also called nominal or qualitative) e.g. sex, race, t...