The School in Social Sciences announces a public selection based on qualifications and an interview (and a multiple choice test for the programme in Sociology and Social Research), in order to rank candidates for admission to the first year of the following doctoral programmes for the academic year 2011/2012: 1. Economics and Management 2. Local Development and Global Dynamics 3. Sociology and Social Research Entry is restricted to 22 places, all covered with scholarships and 5 additional doctoral positions to be reserved to a) non EU grant holders awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other international Institutions; b) applicants who have been selected on the basis of any bilateral or intergovernmental agreement with Italy (see details art. 7 of the call). Applications shall be sumitted: Monday, June 6 by 4.00 p.m. (GMT +2:00 Central Europe Daylight Summertime) The call in Italian and in English are available in the Download . Applications can b...
Research Papers, Research Paper Guidelines, Research Proposal, APA style of Research, Research Articles, Chicago Manual of Style, Harvard Style of Referencing, Scholarships, ISI Journals, Impact Factor Journals, Open Access Journals, Econometrics, SPSS